
Welcome to the online resource center for the Dances of Universal Peace community throughout the state of Florida.


The Hoop and the Tree
November 3 - 5, 2023
Weekend Workshop with Timothy Dobson at Unity of Port Richey, FL

The Hoop and the Tree, a compass for finding a deeper relationship with all of life. Our dance retreat will explore this vision of wholeness seen across cultures for millennia. The Hoop represents our interpersonal ring and the Tree our individual's soul growth that centers the hoop of all my relations. This glyph will be echoed throughout the workshop as we use the Dances of Universal Peace to embody a deepened experience of self and others, or I and Thou. All dances are taught and no partners are necessary.

Cultivating an Awakened Heart
January 19 - 22, 2023
A Retreat with Halima & Abraham Sussman, Special Guest Maitreya Jon Stevens, and friends

The Walks and Dances of Universal Peace offer us opportunity for personal and planetary transformation. Singing and moving together Towards the One, we practice breath, rhythm, sound, listening, and heart awakening. Dancing our prayers, we celebrate the Sacred.


The Dances of Universal Peace are simple, meditative, joyous, multi-cultural circle dances that use sacred phrases, chants, music and movements from the many spiritual traditions of the earth to touch the spiritual essence within ourselves and recognize it in others. Building on the work begun by Samuel L. Lewis in the 1960s, they promote peace and integration within individuals and understanding and connection within groups worldwide. There are no performers and no audience; new arrivals and old hands form the circle as everyone sings and dances together.


Our vision is to have a vibrant, connected statewide community of Dances of Universal Peace in Florida, supporting each other in love, harmony and beauty. Check here for the Florida location near you where the Dances of Universal Peace are held on a regular basis. Then consult our Florida Dance Calendar to find the next scheduled dance in your area.

If you are leading dances in Florida but are not listed on the Florida Dance Circles page, please Contact Us